free online courses

Access Free Online Courses from the Open University UK and Earn Certification

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In an increasingly digital and connected world, online education has evolved into a flexible and accessible way for learners all over the world to acquire new skills and knowledge. MOOCs, or Massive Open Online Courses, offered by top universities are particularly popular for studying a wide range of subjects and earning credentials at little to no cost. As one of Europe’s largest distance learning institutions, the Open University UK has long been a pioneer of open-access online education.  

Today, it provides over 1000 free online courses on topics such as technology, business, science, and the arts, all of which can lead to official Open University certification.

Overview of the Open University’s Free Online Courses

For more than 50 years, the Open University has specialized in distance and flexible learning methods for UK and international students. Their free online courses, available through the OpenLearn platform, cover subject matter found in OU fee-required degrees and serve as a taster for prospective students while also benefiting informal learners. Course formats range from introductory to postgraduate levels of study and include structured online materials such as text, videos, animations, infographics, audio clips, and more.

Most courses last 5-24 hours and are available year-round. Optional paid upgrades to obtain official certificates of completion or academic credit are also available. Topic areas include:

  • Business & Management Leadership, human resources, marketing, entrepreneurship, finance, and global business are among the topics covered.
  • Arts & Humanities
  • Discover literature, history, classics, languages, music, art, and other humanities disciplines.
  • Health & Psychology
  • Learn about mental health, child development, social work, public health, nursing, anatomy, and medicine.
  • Education & Development Early childhood education, special needs education, instructional design, numeracy, digital literacy, and other important educational topics.
  • Law and Politics Learn about basic law, UK politics, global issues, activism, ethics, environmental law and policy, and more.
  • Math & Computing Improve your skills in areas ranging from statistics and calculus to cryptography and programming.
  • Science & Nature Biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, environmental science, sustainability, nature, and various other natural sciences.
  • Engineering and Product Design Manufacturing, renewable energy, structural design, electronics, robotics, aviation, and other engineering disciplines.

Certification Options

While most Open University online courses on the OpenLearn platform are free to take, there are options to obtain official certificates of completion or academic credit that require a paid upgrade.

Certificates of completion

Learners can upgrade to formal Certificates of Completion verified by OpenLearn Create for approximately 50-60 pounds per course. These credible credentials demonstrate that you understand university-level course materials.

Academic Credit

Some online courses offer upgrades to academic credit that counts toward Open University degrees and serves as a springboard to more advanced study. Credit upgrades typically cost between 200 and 300 pounds, depending on the course.

Career and Education Benefits

Beyond broadening your knowledge or satisfying personal interests, taking free online courses from the Open University UK can provide significant career and further education benefits, such as:

  • Develop skills and knowledge relevant to your current job or desired future roles.
  • Explore topics and determine whether to pursue a degree or career pivot.
  • Earn verified Certificates of Completion to boost your CV or resumé’s competitiveness.
  • Earn academic credit towards an Open University degree or transfer it to other schools.
  • Access flexible, self-paced learning from a leading distance education university
  • Study specialized topics that are not usually covered in mainstream higher education.
  • Prepare for higher education programs by brushing up on academic skills.

Individuals at any stage of their educational or professional journey can find options that meet their needs thanks to OpenLearn’s extensive course offerings, which range from introductory to postgraduate levels.

Perspectives from Industry Experts

Unlike most MOOCs, which rely on academics to create materials, Open University creates courses with input from outside experts. Course creators work with industry advisors, professional bodies, educators, regulators, and subject matter experts to develop practical, engaging online content that is aligned with real-world practices. This multidisciplinary approach enables students to acquire highly applicable knowledge.

For example, the Open University Law School created the free course Cyber Security: Understanding Cybercrime, Data Privacy, and Online Safety with input from the UK Cyber Security Council, Royal Holloway University of London, and over 12 other relevant bodies to cover fundamentals that meet societal needs. This extensive industry alignment ensures that programs remain current and appropriate for increasing cyber security literacy in the general public.

Academic Quality

While anyone can access Open University’s free online courses, they adhere to the same academic standards and strict quality controls as programs for fee-paying enrolled students. Faculty and subject matter experts write course materials, which are then thoroughly reviewed by editors, critical readers, and external assessors to ensure that standards are consistent with accredited qualifications. Students receive an exceptional educational experience comparable to paid offerings from this distance-learning pioneer.


What is Open University UK?

The Open University UK (OU) is a public distance and online learning university based in the United Kingdom that focuses on open education. Since 1969, the Open University has provided flexible learning programs to students in the United Kingdom and around the world.

What free online courses does the OU provide?

The OU provides over 1,000 free online courses on a variety of topics, including technology, business, science, health, math, education, law, and more. These OpenLearn courses enable learners worldwide to sample OU content.

How long do the courses take?

Most OU free courses require 5 to 24 hours to complete entirely online. Learners can study at their own pace, depending on their availability.

Can I earn credentials by taking free courses?

Yes, course upgrades are available for a fee, allowing you to earn industry-recognized Certificates of Completion or Academic Credit toward OU degrees.

How much does it cost to earn paid credentials?

Certificates of Completion cost between £50 and £60 per course. Academic credit upgrades typically cost between £200 and £300, depending on the course level.

What is a Certificate of Completion?

The OU issues formal certificates through OpenLearn Create to verify course completion once all assessments are passed. They demonstrate that you understand university-level coursework.

Can I include the credentials on my resume?

Yes, including OU credentials on your CV or resume can help employers and academics identify your qualifications when applying for jobs, higher education programs, and other opportunities.

Is there any eligibility criteria for enrolling?

The free courses are open to everyone. No prior qualifications or experience are required. The eligibility requirements for paid upgrades may vary depending on the course.

Where can I find more information?

For more information on how to sign up for free OU courses, visit the OpenLearn website. Additional questions can be sent to the Student Support Team via OpenLearn’s Contact page.


With a history of distance and flexible learning dating back to 1969, the Open University UK provides an extensive library of free online courses through its OpenLearn platform, making it available to anyone looking to expand their knowledge and earnings potential. Over 1000 courses are available, covering topics ranging from business and management to psychology, engineering, information technology, and more, with multimedia course materials equivalent to graduate-level studies. 

While enrollment is free and open, there are optional upgrades to obtain industry-recognized Certificates of Completion or Academic Credit toward higher qualifications. For high-quality, specialized skill development from a pioneering distance learning institution, the Open University’s free online courses are an excellent value for both informal learners and career builders.

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